Leading people down the path to preparedness.
To make ready means to prepare for what lies ahead, and Make Ready Training was founded to help you realize that goal. Make Ready is all about building the skill, proficiency, and confidence to handle whatever situation a person might encounter. From primitive skills to modern tools and techniques, being prepared means being able to take care of you and yours. It’s not about being paranoid, or a “prepper” or conspiracy theorist; It’s about responsibility, to yourself and those you love, to have the skills and tools to survive and to thrive. From mindset, to fitness, to mastering new skills and tools, making ready is a lifestyle, and one that leads to the confidence and fulfillment that can only come from knowing that you are a slave to no person, circumstance, or situation.
Make Ready was founded by Adam Williams in 2018 and is the product of 2 decades spent seeking challenges, collecting skills, and working toward self-reliance. Learn more →
“Adam was great and very clear on everything! There was no pressure, and he took his time with us as a group. I definitely feel you will get everything that you need out of his classes. I look forward to taking more of his upcoming classes very soon! Thanks so much to Make Ready and Adam Williams!”
In a world of specialization, we've all been trained to outsource everything from the growing and hunting of our food, to the construction of our homes, to our personal protection and medical response. This system robs us of the freedom, confidence, and satisfaction of independence, disconnects us from our surroundings, and makes us easy to manipulate--it shifts our focus from personal evolution to hoarding enough money to pay for our dependence. Instead of our conversations being about skills and accomplishments in preparing for our futures, they turn to investment strategies and retirement funds...which only highlights our anxiety about our dependence. Those who are considered "successful" in modern society are those who have raised enough money to compensate for their lack of skill. We are SLAVES in this system, and many of us are stuck in jobs that don't satisfy us and hinder our personal evolution. At Make Ready, we believe that cultivating self reliance is the answer.