As a firearms instructor I have lots of ideas about what’s important in becoming a responsibly and effectively armed citizen, but you don’t have to take it from me. I recently reached out to those instructors and organizations that have had the greatest influence on my development as a shooter and an instructor, to find out what they think is necessary to become a safe, proficient, and responsibly armed American. These are some of the world’s best shooters and instructors, so take note.
1.) Shooting Skills
Robert Vogel is a professional marksman, competition shooter, and National/World champion in the Practical pistol disciplines.
““ In my opinion you need Shooting skills, Tactics and Mindset....three separate be prepared for using a firearm in a real life violent encounter. I’m not foreign to the other two but “shooting skills” is my specialty and primarily what I teach. I also think it’s the hardest one to argue against and the easiest to prove. Within that the most difficult part for people to master is simply pressing the trigger without moving the gun......because what is required goes against the way our bodies naturally work. I spend a lot of time early on with students working on that skill is that important!” ”
2.) Meaningful Repetitions
Pat Mcnamara has 22 years of Special Operations experience. He has extensive experience in hostile fire/combat zones in the Middle East, and Eastern Europe. He trains individuals at basic and advanced levels of marksmanship and combat tactics.
““The most difficult component that I try to impart is to perform meaningful repetitions. Perform repetitions with deep thought until thought is no longer required. Do not capitulate to a time or a standard. When do we go faster? When it is impossible for us to miss at our current speed. Master the bare boned fundamentals so that they may be accessed at a subconscious level.” ”
3.) More Than Just the Gun
The USCCA (United States Concealed Carry Association) provides education, training and to responsibly armed Americans like you...It’s their mission to arm Their loyal members with the tools they need to safely and confidently protect themselves and their loved ones with the utmost peace of mind.
““The responsibly armed citizen trains in the use of firearms. When you are a responsibly armed citizen, you maintain a high level of skill at arms. You study tactics and laws about use of force and self-defense. You learn to stay aware of your surroundings so you can avoid trouble or deal with it promptly and effectively if you need to. A responsibly armed citizen is not a law enforcement officer with a duty to deter crime or to seek out and apprehend criminals. That’s not the goal! The goal is to defend innocent life: your own life and the lives of those you love. As a responsibly armed citizen, you know that guns should never be brandished without need. You know you will draw your gun only when you genuinely need to and that if you do need to use it, you will use it decisively and effectively and only as much as necessary. Carrying a concealed firearm for self-defense is a citizen’s most basic right and most awesome responsibility. If, after careful consideration and study of the matter, you are not sure it is right for you, you should not do it.””
4.) An Authoritative Program of Study
The original ‘American Pistol Institute’ (API) now known as Gunsite Academy offers firearms training to elite military personnel, law enforcement officers and free citizens of the US.
““Owning a piano does not make one a pianist any more than owning a handgun makes one a good shooter. Only an effective, safe and authoritative program of study can guarantee that in a moment of danger YOU will act to protect yourself, your loved ones or the ones you are sworn to with self defense firearms training skills.” ”